
D&D 5E - How do you make a 'Soldier' interesting?

So. I sort of have a problem. My character is basically a set of Stats with a high AC, and I would like to make her more interesting. Other than having a background as being a 'Soldier' who served in an 'Orc Battalion', she is what you would call "the normal soldier" in that she's about 'Duty', is 'Brave', 'completely sane' and 'practical'. and all of those factors are what other players just take for granted.

It's weird playing her because she's the ideal tank, people go "OMG OMG I don't want to tank", I do all of the frontline stuff (as in, I tank everything, e.g. 8v1) and then when I ask people if they think Human is a good character, they're like "I don't know" even though I literally have my character standing at deaths door every game for their sake. . .


Fernande Dalal

Update: 2024-08-25